Welcome to my website.
My name is TOUAZI Fayçal, I am a lecturer at the University M'hamed Bougara (UMBB)- Boumerdes Algeria.
I obtained my first master's degree in computer science at M'hamed Bougara University - Boumerdes (Algeria) in 2011 followed by a second master's degree at Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse (France)in 2012. Afterword, I had my Doctoral degree in artificial intelligence at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (INPT France) in 2016.
I started teaching as a temporary teacher at Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse in 2012. Then, between 2013 and 2015, I was recruited as a contractual PhD student in charge of teaching (DCCE) at INPT. In 2016, I held the position of temporary researcher and teacher (ATER) at INPT and in 2017, I held the same position at the University of Limoges.
I started working at UMBB in 2017 as a Assistant Professor in the computer science department.
My teaching areas are: Object-Oriented Programming, Operating Systems, Compilation, AI, Modulation and Application Design, Mobile Application Development.
Currently, I am part of the -Vision Intelligente- team at the LIMOS Laboratory (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique Modélisation Optimisation Systèmes Electriniques) where I work on the following research topics: the representation of the knowledge, the reasoning on bases of knowledge, the treatment of the preferences, the fuzzy logics.
Thank you for your visit
Dr. Fayçal Touazi.